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Escarole Pie by @cookwithfez

Yields1 Serving

The Escarole Pie with olives, anchovies and pine nuts.  The best (and super traditional) savory pie you can ever imagine.  A crunchy and oily crust filled with escarole and a lot of delicious ingredients. 

For the dough
 500 g all purpose flour
 140 ml Colavita Extra virgin olive oil
 180 ml white wine
 10 g salt 
For the filling
 700 g escarole 
 3 garlic cloves
 4 anchovies
 Chili flakes qb
 50 g aggiasca olives
 50 g pine nuts
 50 g rasins
 150 g provola 
 Semolino flour + extra virgin olive oil for brushing

Start from the dough. Place the flour on the worktable, add salt and then olive oil and white wine. Start incorporating all the ingredients and work the dough for 5-6 minutes until well combined. It has to be rustic, you don’t have to work it too much. Place in the fridge at least 30’. 


For the filling stir fry into olive oil the anchovies, chili flakes, olives and garlic. Then add the escarole and cook for 10-15 minutes until soft. In the end, add pine nuts and raisins (rehydrated). Chill the filling down trying to remove as much water as possible. 


Using a rolling pin roll the base of the pie (0,5mm) and place in a baking tray greased with olive oil and semolino. Then all the filling and some grated provola. Close with another layer of crust and add more olive oil, semolino and flaky salt. Bake at 350F for 45min, until golden. 


Wait 10 minutes before unfolding. The best of the best.

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size 1