Stovetop Mac & Cheese inspired by “Home Alone” buy @joshisbaking

The inspiration for this dish came from “Home Alone,” when Kevin sits down to enjoy a generous plate of Mac & Cheese. @joshisbaking maintained the basics using Colavita Elbows pasta and sharp cheddar, but upgraded things a little with some fresh thyme & a crunchy chip topping.

 8 oz Colavita elbow pasta
 3 tbsp unsalted butter
 3 tbsp all-purpose flour
 ½ tsp salt
 ½ tsp onion powder
 1 ½ cups whole milk
 ¼ cup greek yogurt
 8 oz (~2 cups) sharp cheddar, freshly grated
 2 tsp fresh thyme
 1 cup crushed kettle chips


Cook pasta as directed in a large pot. Drain and set aside in the strainer.


Using the same pot you cooked the pasta, melt your butter over medium heat. Once melted, mix in your flour, kosher salt, and onion powder until smooth. Cook for about a minute, gently whisking throughout.


Whisk in your milk and Greek yogurt until smooth and continue heating over medium heat until it thickens (can take a few minutes) and is just simmering (avoid boiling which can make it grainy).


Turn the heat off but leave the pot on the burner, add your cheese in two batches, folding each in until fully melted. Once smooth, add in your cooked pasta stir to fully coat and then mix in your fresh thyme. Top with crushed chips.


Best enjoyed same-day and closest to serving time.