anemptytextllineOlive Stuffed Dates by @sarah_licious_eats
anemptytextllineThese cookies are a perfect high-energy treat! Whether you’re going for a long bike...
anemptytextllineAt Colavita, we love a hearty salad! Adding freshly roasted baby potatoes to this...
anemptytextllineAn updated frittata recipe that is fluffier than the typical one. Not only do...
anemptytextllineUse your leftover quinoa from a delicious salmon dinner to make this filling quinoa...
anemptytextllineThis beet and citrus salad is the perfect combination of sweet and savory. Adding...
anemptytextllineThis quick and simple creamy cheese fondue recipe will be gone in seconds. Use...
anemptytextllineThese mashed potato cups are super adorable and filled with yummy pancetta and cheese!...
anemptytextllineUsing curry to poach eggs adds a rich and unique flavor to this Cheesy...
anemptytextllineThis “Fried” rice bowl is healthy, hearty and flavorful. You can enjoy it for...
anemptytextllineFor this recipe, a savory and juicy roasted pork tenderloin is thinly sliced, and...
anemptytextllineThis recipe for Honeydew Melon Salsa is so refreshing, light and tangy. You’ll love...
anemptytextllineIn New Jersey, where Colavita’s USA headquarters are located, September means tomato time! This...
anemptytextllineBring a little spice to your outdoor grill with this easy and delicious recipe...
anemptytextllineThis recipe for Thai Chicken Skewers feels like a quick trip to Bangkok in...
anemptytextllineThis recipe for Kefta Skewers has roots in Middle Eastern cooking. These Kefta have...
anemptytextllineThis recipe for Grilled Peach, Zucchini and Haloumi Skewers is a fantastic appetizer or...
anemptytextllinePair Recipe with Olive Oil Chocolate Mousse with Flaky Sea Salt by Jessie Sheehan...
anemptytextllineThis Thai grilled skirt steak recipe is both delicious and takes less than 30...
anemptytextllineThis recipe for Tuna Salad uses our Roasted Garlic Extra Virgin Olive Oil to...
anemptytextllineThis recipe for Vegetable Frittata has our own Roasted Garlic Extra Virgin Olive Oil...
anemptytextllineThis recipe for a Veggie, Chicken and Brown Rice Bowl is so simple, so...
anemptytextllineThis recipe for Butternut Hummus has no chickpeas! But it does have tons of...
anemptytextllineWho doesn’t love pizza as a snack? This recipe for Polenta Pizza Bites gives...
anemptytextllineThis recipe for Cauliflower Pizza Bites uses cauliflower as the crust, giving you perfect...
anemptytextllineThis is our classic Risotto recipe. It’s creamy, it’s flavorful and it’s a blank...
anemptytextllineLentils are chock full of good nutrients. They’re packed with protein, iron, fiber and...
anemptytextllineThis Pizza e Minestra is derived from the peasant traditions of Molise, Italy where...
anemptytextllineThis Portuguese Cod Fried Balls recipe is a favorite of our Human Resources Director,...
anemptytextllineThis Colavita recipe for Hasselback Honeynuts with Hazelnut Gremolata uses the smaller and sweeter...
anemptytextllineWhat no turkey on Thanksgiving!! GASP! Nope, this year try Colavita's recipe for Roasted...
anemptytextllineVegetarians, rejoice! Here's a great way to throw some tofu on the grill this...
anemptytextllineLooking to add a seafood recipe to your summer grilling menu? This herb marinated...
anemptytextllineKick off summer with this delicious balsamic marinated chicken! For the best flavor, marinade...
anemptytextllineEver had a salad for breakfast? Give this loaded breakfast cobb salad with green...
anemptytextllineAn Italian classic, this antipasto salad is the perfect appetizer for family gatherings and...
anemptytextllineCelebrate cinco de mayo with these vegetarian black bean tacos! They take less than...
anemptytextllineTake your dinner to new heights with this roasted cauliflower with white bean hummus...
anemptytextllineUse your leftover chicken from our Thai chicken dinner to make these delicious Thai...
anemptytextllineStart your meal prep week with this protein packed blackened salmon with veggies and...
anemptytextllineOur grilled chicken with Chimichurri sauce recipe is the perfect motivation to start up...
anemptytextllineOur tuna and white bean radicchio lettuce wraps are a game changer. They're quick...
anemptytextllineOur cucumber salad with feta, dill, pistachios and pickled onions is an amazing winter...
anemptytextllineAdd some sparkle to your appetizers with these deviled eggs with beets and smoked...
anemptytextllineBring your leftovers from turkey day to life with this Thanksgiving leftover buddha bowl!...
anemptytextllineUse that chunky cranberry sauce leftover from Thanksgiving to good use with this breakfast...
anemptytextllineIt's official sweater weather, which means it's time for sweater whether food. The best...
anemptytextllineName a more perfect comfort food than this gluten free pumpkin pasta. You just...
anemptytextllineGet into the Halloween spirit with this chocolate EVOO apple slice pops! After all,...
anemptytextllineThis sheet pan salmon dinner is both incredibly easy and incredibly flavorful! It's a...
anemptytextllineNot only is this blueberry muffin smoothie packed with different yummy flavors, it's also...
anemptytextllineA cool different way to enjoy pineapple! These grilled pineapple with coconut rum sauce...
anemptytextllineNothing is more refreshing on a hot summer day than these mango olive oil...
anemptytextllineThis prosciutto melon salad has a ton of delicious flavors and colors, making this...
anemptytextllineOur patriotic blue lemonade punch provides everything you need for a great fourth of...
anemptytextllineThis pink grapefruit mimosa with rosemary syrup drink is the perfect combination of sweet...
anemptytextllineEnjoy this hummus with a delicious and sweet twist! Our caramelized onion and scallion...
anemptytextllineThis dish cannot be rushed - herb marinated lamb chops must soak in their...
anemptytextllineBeef peposo, or peppered beef stew, is chuck marinated in a red wine and...
anemptytextllineOsso Bucco is a Milanese speciality of cross-cut veal shanks braised with vegetables, white...
anemptytextllineRoasted chicken is an incredibly popular dish for any family meal. We're confident you'll...
anemptytextllineThis mushroom soup uses tons of different kinds of mushrooms and has a rich...
anemptytextllinePair this chickpea and chicken soup with some toasted French bread for the perfect...
anemptytextllineNot only is this mushroom buddha bowl super delicious, it's also healthy and contains...
anemptytextllineOur breakfast buddha bowl recipe is loaded with tons of healthy foods and good...
anemptytextllineApart of our olive oil series, this salmon in brown butter and lemon sauce...
anemptytextllineImpress your Valentine's date with this grilled oysters with pesto mignonette recipe. It's quick,...
anemptytextllineWho doesn't love hummus? Add even more flavor by adding sun-dried tomatoes. This sun-dried...
anemptytextllineEver wondered how to make this very common and popular appetizer at home? Our...
anemptytextllineBring in the new year with this tangy and fresh mandarinata champagne. Happy New...
anemptytextllineThese chocolate cups with mousse will be a huge hit at your New Years...
anemptytextllineMake this intense rack of pork with mascarpone mushroom polenta recipe as the main...
anemptytextllineThe ultimate Thanksgiving turkey! This turkey with pumpkin spice marinade dish will be the...
anemptytextllineCheese makes everything better, including Brussels sprouts! Enjoy these parmesan shaved Brussels sprouts with...
anemptytextllineThis unique recipe of pumpkin seed brittle with sesame seeds is a great fall...
anemptytextllineThere isn't a tastier and more fun snack than these spiced popcorn balls with...
anemptytextllinePopcorn balls with pumpkin spice and white chocolate are an excellent trick-or-treat alternative, or...
anemptytextllineThis super simple, vegetarian, and gluten free savory pumpkin dip recipe will be the...
anemptytextllineMake this spook-tacular dip for any Halloween Party! This caramelized onion black bean dip...
anemptytextllineThese eggs take a devilishly healthy twist on the original version, substituting Greek yogurt...
anemptytextllineNeed dinner on the table in under 30 minutes? Make this lemon chicken and...
anemptytextllineYou've tried countless types of a Bloody Mary made with red tomato, but one...
anemptytextllineBlackberries are great, but add grilled blackberries to your vinaigrette for this avocado salad...
anemptytextllineThe simplest desserts are often the best and these grilled peaches wish mascarpone are...
anemptytextllineWhatever stone fruit is in season where you are, grill it up! Pork chops...
anemptytextllinePlain old shrimp skewers can get boring, so add some tropical fruit to the...
anemptytextllineSweet granitas are great, but savory might be even better. This basilolio granita is...
anemptytextllineGranita doesn't have to be sweet and we're here to prove it with this...
anemptytextllineYou love chocolate, you love tiramisu, so how could you not love Chocolate Tiramisu...
anemptytextllineTurn that old-school caprese into a perfectly grilled summer salad. A simple dish turned...
anemptytextllineThe perfect summer dessert! Enjoy this delicious, homemade basil gelato with some grilled peaches...
anemptytextllineGrilling up tuna never sounded and tasted so good as with our tuna steak...
anemptytextllineFor when you're scrambling for a a quick to prepare side dish, try this....
anemptytextllineThis dish inspired by Adobo I had in the Philippines is super tasty and...
anemptytextllineMike Colameco says, "I love old fashioned breaded, fried, baked eggplant parm, but I...
anemptytextllineThe mildly nutty flavor of a fresh fava bean pairs perfectly with the creamy...
anemptytextllineThe pop of flavor from these Crispy Roasted Chickpeas with Rosemary adds the perfect...
anemptytextllineA new take on a delicious cocktail, great for any party and a definite...
anemptytextllineSurvive any hot summer day and sail away with this picture perfect, and oh-so...
anemptytextllineThe perfect orange cocktail! This mandarinata cocktail is an excellent drink for any lunch...
anemptytextllineThis mandarinata and elderflower spritzer is the most refreshing drink you'll taste all year....
anemptytextllineWe're stepping up the orange creamsicle game with this delicious dessert/drink combo - the...
anemptytextllineNeed to kickstart your morning? A Berry Blaster Smoothie is just what the doctor...
anemptytextllineBeets contain nitrates, which are converted into nitric oxide in your body. Nitric oxide...
anemptytextllineThink a pumpkin smoothie isn't good for breakfast? Think again! Pumpkins are rich in beta...
anemptytextllinePolenta "Oatmeal" with Sun-dried Tomatoes and Egg is made with cornmeal and quail eggs....
anemptytextllineThis is the perfect breakfast for weekends, then the leftovers are a healthy, easy,...
anemptytextllineThis "anytime" Roasted Tomato Frittata with Jalapeño Sausage is perfect for those who like...
anemptytextllineThis salmon salad with cilantro orange vinaigrette is tangy, delicious and healthy. Made with...
anemptytextllineColavita Raspberry Vinaigrette is especially good when served over a spring mix of baby...
anemptytextllineA light and refreshing salad, the sweet watermelon works so well with the peppery...
anemptytextllineMake this simple but tasty salad during the summer months when fresh corn is...
anemptytextllineA simple marinade of shallots, balsamic vinegar and fresh tarragon makes the most of...
anemptytextllineThe bright asparagus salad is dressed in a tangy balsamic glace. Pair it with...
anemptytextllineWe all know that a Mediterranean diet is one of the most healthful you...
anemptytextllineTry this delicious spiced sweet pumpkin soup to start your Thanksgiving or holiday dinner....
anemptytextllineRisi and Bisi (Venetian Rice and Pea Soup) is a light and delicious soup...
anemptytextllineWinter potato soup with rosemary is a smooth and creamy pureed soup. Sweetened with...
anemptytextllinePatient cooking will bring wonderful results. Spooning a little chicken broth into the oil...
anemptytextllineTender fava beans are blended in a melody of spices, like garlic and fresh...
anemptytextllineSpring is in the air, and what better way to greet it than with...
anemptytextllineWho says pizza has to include bread? Remember what we said about flexibility being...
anemptytextllineBroccoli Rabe, Sun-dried Tomato, and White Bean Pizza on Polenta Crust with Al fresco...
anemptytextllineWe know you’re trying to be good this holiday season...good enough so that you...
anemptytextllineFrom our winter Olive Oil Guide, sweet roasted beets are used as a base...
anemptytextllineThis gorgeous edible rainbow made with beets stacks and tangy goat cheese will make...
anemptytextllineFrom our Winter Olive Oil Guide - why waste chipping on potatoes? Try some...
anemptytextllineSweet pumpkin sliced get a smoky flavor when grilled, which is perfect for an...
anemptytextllinePumpkin makes a perfect marinade sauce - its chunky texture when puréed provides extra...
anemptytextllineTop an autumn vegetable salad with this creamy pumpkin dressing. Best of all, there's...
anemptytextllineAutumn Mushroom Soup is a heavier soup dish that combines mushrooms, parsnips, cheese, broth,...
anemptytextllineBeef tenderloin with whiskey mushroom sauce is a recipe that puts together luxurious ingredients...
anemptytextllineAs a healthy alternative to chips, these oh so crispy truffle chips are thinly...
anemptytextllineA quick and easy side dish of marinated mushrooms along with beets and cauliflower....
anemptytextllineSweet, savory, smokey, and all vegetable (well, mostly), this sicilian dish can be scooped...
anemptytextllineThis tangy chicken and watercress salad with balsamic dressing is a nice light and...
anemptytextllineNeed a taste of spring? Fresh spring vegetables pair perfectly with the freshness of our...
anemptytextllineOne of the highlights of summertime grilling, grilled and lightly charred sweet corn on...
anemptytextllineThis dish requires a little extra love - hand mash your chili peppers to...
anemptytextllineIf your waiting to fire up your grill, don't waste any time. Taste the...
anemptytextllineA super quick recipe for grilled calamari steak over a thick slice of grilled...
anemptytextllineInstant polenta is quickly made and served with goat cheese and sun-dried tomatoes alongside...
anemptytextllineTender London Broil is marinated in a melody of spices that marinate the meat...
anemptytextllineRoasted asparagus with shallots is a simple and easy-to-make recipe with a spring taste....
anemptytextllineAs an hors d'oeuvre or appetizer, fried baby artichokes are a perfect addition to...
anemptytextlline"My mother, Berry Heironimus, was Greek and one of her very favorite recipes was...
anemptytextllineThis fresh and green frittata combines leeks and thyme to make a perfect breakfast....
anemptytextllineYou will never find asparagus boring after this recipe. Using crunchy garlic chips, this...
anemptytextllineThe combination of the fresh garlic marinade and large grilled shrimp makes this your...
anemptytextllineTender caramelized spring onions are tasty on their own, but even better as a...
anemptytextllineThis dark but delicious variation on hummus is great for just about anything. put...
anemptytextllineFrom our SuperFoods collection, Colavita Extra Virgin Olive Oil is massaged into kale leaves with...
anemptytextllineFor a sweet, salty, and tangy dish all in one, try this delicious Italian...
anemptytextllineThis quinoa crust pizza with Roasted Lemons and Parsley Thyme Pesto is sure to...
anemptytextllineWhat better way to enjoy summer than with this grilled salmon with asparagus and...
anemptytextllineEnjoy these berry popsicles on a hot day, or make a cool one even...
anemptytextllineIf you love salsa and crave something fruity, this recipe is for you! A...
anemptytextllineFlank Steak with sautéed cherry BBQ sauce takes just a few minutes to cook...
anemptytextllineA few simple ingredients come together to create an incredibly flavorful dish that’s perfect...
anemptytextllineThis healthy and simple salad is packed with protein and healthy vegetables – definitely...
anemptytextllineFor a great summer-time meal, fire up the grill and make some Raspberry Balsamic...
anemptytextllineThis Peach and Tomato Caprese Salad takes a summer time twist on the traditional...
anemptytextllineYou'll be the talk of the office with this gorgeous salad! Colorful layers will...
anemptytextllineBoring lunch salads no more! With this colorful Italian jar salad you’ll be the...
anemptytextllineThis beautiful whole roasted branzino dish is a great centerpiece for you holiday table....
anemptytextllineThis hearty octopus salad paired with slightly bitter radicchio greens is the perfect combination...
anemptytextllineThis Fall inspired, flavorful mix is the perfect appetizer at a dinner party or...
anemptytextllineThis hearty turkey recipe uses a glaze of cranberries, orange and balsamic flavors to...
anemptytextllineMarinating with Colavita Extra Virgin Olive Oil and additional seasonings helps impart delicious flavor...
anemptytextllineHeat up your barbecue this summer and grill your corn three different ways! Oil...
anemptytextllineGrill peaches, pineapples, radishes, and tomatoes for an amazing smokey flavor and intense sweetness...
anemptytextllineThe delicious taste of Colavita Extra Virgin Olive Oil will be a delightful surprise in...
anemptytextllineFor a quick and easy homemade pizza, try out this grilled summer peach and...
anemptytextllineThis spring pea salad with white beans and shrimp contains flavors that will excite...
anemptytextllineUsing a variety of vegetables all coated with Colavita Extra Virgin Olive Oil, these...
anemptytextllineDon't throw out your carrot tops! Use them in this Israeli-inspired carrot top tahini...
anemptytextllineYou will love the texture of these za'atar smashed sweet potatoes. All the ingredients...
anemptytextllineEasy to make and perfect for leftovers, these one pan lettuce wraps can be...
anemptytextllineSweet and salty, this halva chocolate bark treat is so quick and easy, it...
anemptytextllineA fattoush salad is a Lebanese answer to stale pita. This fattoush-ish salad version...
anemptytextllineEveryone will love these crispy carrot chips with pomegranate ketchup. This is an excellent...
anemptytextllineA popular flavorful dish, Thai beef with salad is best cooked medium-rare or rare...
anemptytextllineThis bittersweet chocolate and extra virgin olive oil ice cream is a savory and...
anemptytextllineThis four ingredient blender green goddess dressing is perfect as a dip, salad dressing,...
anemptytextllineThese individual potato kugel cups are perfect to make ahead, and can be reheated...
anemptytextllineRatatouille is a classic dish that has been adapted to many tables, but the...
anemptytextllineBorrowing flavors from the classic cookie, but this time they're larger than life! With...
anemptytextllineScalloped potatoes are a tradition on all types of tables, and the addition of...
anemptytextllineThis Blackout Cake is perfect for anyone, it's just a bonus it's gluten-free! Easy...
anemptytextllineTortilla Espagnole is a baked egg dish that can have a variety of add-ins...
anemptytextllineThese candies are non-dairy and gluten free, but you wouldn't think they're missing anything...
anemptytextllineGreen, green and more green! Not only is this Green Goddess dip a beautiful...
anemptytextllineA twist on a French classic, this dish is perfect for fall veggies and...
anemptytextllineNo need for bleu or ranch here! Tahini, or sesame seed paste, is the...
anemptytextllineThis salad is perfect to serve as an appetizer, but is also hearty enough...
anemptytextllineThis gluten-free riff on a classic dish is perfect for your Meatless Mondays, or...
anemptytextllineThis Shaker Vinaigrette will become a staple in your fridge after you've tried it....
anemptytextllineRoasting broccoli florets at high heat is like a hands-free "sauté." Half-moons of lemon...
anemptytextllineUnlike most potato salads that hold well for hours (if not days), this potato...
anemptytextllineRun out of butter, or looking for a different way to make potatoes? Try...
anemptytextllineFrench lentils, also known as lentils de Puy, have a firm texture that holds...
anemptytextllineCubes of colorful butternut squash and chopped kale make this warm fall vegetable minestra...
anemptytextllineWhat's better than a classic gazpacho? Throw all of these fresh ingredients into a...
anemptytextllineServe this chickpea salad with fresh herbs a side dish, as an appetizer on...
anemptytextllineThese intensely flavored grilled lamb skewers with mint and olive vinaigrette are the perfect...
anemptytextllineAlso known as a Spanish omelette, the potatoes and onions make this Spanish tortilla...
anemptytextllineThis roasted cauliflower with paprika transforms in the oven since roasting cauliflower produces delicious...
anemptytextllineThough fried rice is a staple of Asian cuisines, it readily adapts to the...
anemptytextllineThe vegetables in this sweet-and-sour sautéed eggplant caponata are cooked together until soft and...
anemptytextllineMake these griddled polenta cakes with ricotta and roast peppers in two sessions, baking...
anemptytextllineSalsa verde is great for any grilled meats, chicken, or fish. This sauce can...
anemptytextllineThis light take on a classic eschews pan-frying the zucchini in favor of a...
anemptytextllineServe this cod braised in olive oil and white wine over rice or with...
anemptytextllineThis marinated feta recipe can be eaten as an appetizer, or can be strained...
anemptytextllineA hot fire and strong flavors power this exceedingly simple, summery grilled rosemary shrimp...
anemptytextllineGiardiniera is an Italian pickled relish, and add tons of flavor to this frittata...
anemptytextllineThis cucumbers with goat cheese, pine nuts, and honey recipe takes less than 10...
anemptytextllineBaby spinach echoes the basil in this basil and white bean hummus recipe, imparting...
anemptytextllineIn the recent rush to discover new and different grains, wheatberries have been overlooked....
anemptytextllineCooking salmon in parchment (al cartoccio in Italian) combines the best elements of roasting...
anemptytextllineStir and scramble these eggs to create soft, creamy curds, studded with Italian ham...
anemptytextllineMelon and blackberry salad with honey-ginger vinaigrette is great with grilled fish or chicken....
anemptytextllineThe sweetness of the onion forms a bright pairing with zucchini and fresh basil...
anemptytextllineServe this salad on a bed of lettuce or on toasted sandwich bread as...
anemptytextllineThis garlicky soup is a snap to pull together, and most of the ingredients...
anemptytextllineChocolate Hazelnut tart is a gluten-free and vegan tart perfect for the holidays. Enjoy...
anemptytextllineChocolate hazelnut Baci panna cotta is a traditional Italian dessert perfect for Christmas and...
anemptytextllineFlourless chocolate truffle cake adorned with Perugina dark, milk, and white Baci chocolates is...
anemptytextllineThese delectable bowls are composed of one simple ingredient: Perugina 70% Bittersweet Chocolate, which...
anemptytextllineThis recipe for flourless chocolate cake with a red wine olive oil glaze allows...
anemptytextllineThis flourless chocolate cake uses both limoncello and orangello Perugina chocolate bars, along with...